All of our birds are raised on fermented food, fresh veggies, supervised free range, and dry food with probiotics & vitamins. Chicks are vaccinated for Marek's. Our clean, healthy, hobby farm is located in Raleigh, North Carolina. We do not ship birds.
*** NPIP Certified, AI Clean ***
Available birds are limited, since this is a hobby for me. I hatch babies for my projects and needs, so chicks and birds are only offered for sale when I pick out what I want or need. Juvenile and adult birds are sold when I decide not to use them as breeders, so only a very limited number are available each year. I only sell locally in Raleigh, North Carolina. The only transporter I will allow is Keystone Small Animal Transport.
We do not ship chicks or birds, but we will ship hatching eggs occasionally, usually only in May and June.
Instagram @greengrables
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