I have Watermaal/d'Anvers eggs available and the waitlist is open! These spunky little breeds are sure to spice up your flock. Both are clean legged breeds. Watermaal are also tasseled, with a cute little tuft of feathers on their heads. Grab them up quickly, because I may switch to projects soon, which means no more eggs. Babies will be black, white, and mottled.
Hatching eggs: $85/dozen plus extras, $25 shipping
A very very limited number of black Watermaal pairs (chicks) will be available over the next month. Please contact me immediately if you are interested. Several carry mottled. Some white cockerels may be available alone or with a black female also. And a tiny handful of straight run d'Anvers chicks will also be hatching weekly for the next month. After that, Watermaal and d'Anvers hatches will probably be over for the year here.
No shipping of birds due to HPAI this year. Pickup in Raleigh, NC only.

As for our other breeds, I'm afraid nothing is available yet. The silkies are broody, and I'm not selling their eggs this year. The d'Uccles and sablepoots are not laying yet, and neither are the Ameraucana. Since I don't use any supplementary light and heat, they don't usually get going until late March. With the HPAI situation, I am unsure about the hatching season. I probably will not have a large hatching season this year, since the HPAI issue is so deadly serious. We have closed the farm to visitors and cancelled the spring shows, so we don't have as many options available for selling. And since we want to keep everything biosecure and all poultry under roofs and behind tarps, grow out space is extremely limited. I will post availability on Facebook and Instagram. If birds haven't sold yet, I will update my website also. I will open waitlists on eggs as they are available, but no wait lists on birds, as they will be in more limited quantities this year.
Have a great February everyone!