The end of the season is here, and spring planning has begun! If I have any availability, it will be listed on my website on the available page, or on my facebook page:
But for now, my girls and boys are settling in for the winter. And I've got my graph paper out, making plans! This spring will be exciting - the first possible frizzle BLUE mille fleur d'Uccle babies! I actually started breeding d'Uccles because I wanted a blue mille fleur frizzle. Then I found out that they don't seem to exist yet. So I got frizzles, but I wasn't happy with the quality. So I worked on those. And I got golden necks and decided they needed work too. So now, for the first time, I may FINALLY get my blue mille fleur frizzle d'Uccle!
Just for fun and dreaming, here is what I hope to produce this spring:
Mille fleur d'Uccle, smooth and frizzle, pet and show quality
Golden neck d'Uccle, smooth and frizzle, pet and show quality
Blue mille fleur d'Uccle, smooth and frizzle
Lavender bantam Ameraucana
Silkies, showgirls (sizzle, satin, and silkie), Satins, Sizzles (mostly white, though there is a chance of grey/partridge). Plus I may add some blue and buff in for fun, so if I get eggs, I will have some of those available if they hatch well.
What about lemon mille fleur booted bantams? Well, I still have a pair. Hope laid one egg and has stopped... so I'm hoping she will start again soon. But it's bad timing - she could have stopped for the winter. If she gets laying, I will hatch everything she gives me, but I will be building up my own stock first, and working on a second line. And maybe adding in blue for blue lemon mille fleur.... We shall see what happens over the winter - no counting the chicks until Hope lays the fertile eggs!
I do have a few eggs in the incubator right now - a few customers were dying for lavender bantam Ameraucana chicks, so I'm trying to get them some. And I may have stuck in a couple of silkie eggs to see how my new sizzle boy Mopster is doing with his ladies :) Again, if any are looking for homes, you'll see them on my website and maybe Facebook.
Have a great evening!