Tuesday, May 7, 2024

Self blue flocks for sale


If you guys can help share, I will be dispersing my three breeding groups of self blue bantam Ameraucana after my last egg orders are filled, hopefully next week. I've held on as long as possible, but since I'm getting worse and can't attend the Oklahoma show, it's time. I will be keeping a small flock in my pet flock, since I cannot imagine not owning self blues, but I won't be breeding in earnest anymore. I wanted to hold on as long as possible, to get eggs and spread out the new bloodline I created with that d'Anvers line. But the long covid has gotten so much worse since my last bout in the fall. I've put so much effort into these birds since I started in 2019, and I've loved being a part of the self blue group. This has probably been one of the best groups I've ever been a part of. I'm proud to have been a part of the effort, and I'm so proud of the group who will bring their birds to Oklahoma, hopefully the show where we gain full acceptance of this wonderful variety. 

I won't ship, but if anyone is coming through NC, or lives along a route that Keystone small animal transport uses (mostly east coast), I've got a really nice sb rooster Francois, a nice SB boy Ricky - a bit ticky but a superb personality, and a SB cuckoo boy Abby (short for Abominable, like the snowman.) Each has at least one girl they could go with. All three are lovely gentlemen who have never flogged or even looked sideways at me. I'd like them to go somewhere with decent runs - they are used to 4x8x8 foot runs and love to get high on a roost at night.

One self blue boy spoken for. One self blue boy and one self blue cuckoo boy available.